

$_token : string


string — a token associated to a Mixpanel project


$_max_queue_size : integer

If the queue reaches this size we'll auto-flush to prevent out of memory errors




$_options : array

An array of options to be used by the Mixpanel library.




$_queue : array


array — a queue to hold messages in memory before flushing in batches


$_consumers : array


array — The list of available consumers


$_defaults : array

Default options that can be overridden via the $options constructor arg





__construct(array  $options = array()) 

Construct a new MixpanelBase object and merge custom options with defaults


array $options



Flush the queue when we destruct the client with retries


flush(integer  $desired_batch_size = 50) : boolean

Iterate the queue and write in batches using the instantiated Consumer Strategy


integer $desired_batch_size


boolean —

whether or not the flush was successful



Empties the queue without persisting any of the messages


getQueue() : array

Returns the in-memory queue




getToken() : string

Returns the current Mixpanel project token




enqueue(array  $message = array()) 

Add an array representing a message to be sent to Mixpanel to a queue.


array $message


enqueueAll(array  $messages = array()) 

Add an array representing a list of messages to be sent to Mixpanel to a queue.


array $messages


_getEndpoint() : string

Returns the "engage" endpoint




set(string|integer  $distinct_id, array  $props, string|null  $ip = null, boolean  $ignore_time = false, boolean  $ignore_alias = false) 

Set properties on a user record. If the profile does not exist, it creates it with these properties.

If it does exist, it sets the properties to these values, overwriting existing values.


string|integer $distinct_id

the distinct_id or alias of a user

array $props

associative array of properties to set on the profile

string|null $ip

the ip address of the client (used for geo-location)

boolean $ignore_time

If the $ignore_time property is true, Mixpanel will not automatically update the "Last Seen" property of the profile. Otherwise, Mixpanel will add a "Last Seen" property associated with the current time

boolean $ignore_alias

If the $ignore_alias property is true, an alias look up will not be performed after ingestion. Otherwise, a lookup for the distinct ID will be performed, and replaced if a match is found


setOnce(string|integer  $distinct_id, array  $props, string|null  $ip = null, boolean  $ignore_time = false, boolean  $ignore_alias = false) 

Set properties on a user record. If the profile does not exist, it creates it with these properties.

If it does exist, it sets the properties to these values but WILL NOT overwrite existing values.


string|integer $distinct_id

the distinct_id or alias of a user

array $props

associative array of properties to set on the profile

string|null $ip

the ip address of the client (used for geo-location)

boolean $ignore_time

If the $ignore_time property is true, Mixpanel will not automatically update the "Last Seen" property of the profile. Otherwise, Mixpanel will add a "Last Seen" property associated with the current time

boolean $ignore_alias

If the $ignore_alias property is true, an alias look up will not be performed after ingestion. Otherwise, a lookup for the distinct ID will be performed, and replaced if a match is found


remove(string|integer  $distinct_id, array  $props, string|null  $ip = null, boolean  $ignore_time = false, boolean  $ignore_alias = false) 

Unset properties on a user record. If the profile does not exist, it creates it with no properties.

If it does exist, it unsets these properties. NOTE: In other libraries we use 'unset' which is a reserved word in PHP.


string|integer $distinct_id

the distinct_id or alias of a user

array $props

associative array of properties to unset on the profile

string|null $ip

the ip address of the client (used for geo-location)

boolean $ignore_time

If the $ignore_time property is true, Mixpanel will not automatically update the "Last Seen" property of the profile. Otherwise, Mixpanel will add a "Last Seen" property associated with the current time

boolean $ignore_alias

If the $ignore_alias property is true, an alias look up will not be performed after ingestion. Otherwise, a lookup for the distinct ID will be performed, and replaced if a match is found


increment(string|integer  $distinct_id,   $prop, integer  $val, string|null  $ip = null, boolean  $ignore_time = false, boolean  $ignore_alias = false) 

Increments the value of a property on a user record. If the profile does not exist, it creates it and sets the property to the increment value.


string|integer $distinct_id

the distinct_id or alias of a user


string the property to increment

integer $val

the amount to increment the property by

string|null $ip

the ip address of the client (used for geo-location)

boolean $ignore_time

If the $ignore_time property is true, Mixpanel will not automatically update the "Last Seen" property of the profile. Otherwise, Mixpanel will add a "Last Seen" property associated with the current time

boolean $ignore_alias

If the $ignore_alias property is true, an alias look up will not be performed after ingestion. Otherwise, a lookup for the distinct ID will be performed, and replaced if a match is found


append(string|integer  $distinct_id, string  $prop, string|array  $val, string|null  $ip = null, boolean  $ignore_time = false, boolean  $ignore_alias = false) 

Adds $val to a list located at $prop. If the property does not exist, it will be created. If $val is a string and the list is empty or does not exist, a new list with one value will be created.


string|integer $distinct_id

the distinct_id or alias of a user

string $prop

the property that holds the list

string|array $val

items to add to the list

string|null $ip

the ip address of the client (used for geo-location)

boolean $ignore_time

If the $ignore_time property is true, Mixpanel will not automatically update the "Last Seen" property of the profile. Otherwise, Mixpanel will add a "Last Seen" property associated with the current time

boolean $ignore_alias

If the $ignore_alias property is true, an alias look up will not be performed after ingestion. Otherwise, a lookup for the distinct ID will be performed, and replaced if a match is found


trackCharge(string|integer  $distinct_id, string  $amount, null  $timestamp = null, string|null  $ip = null, boolean  $ignore_time = false, boolean  $ignore_alias = false) 

Adds a transaction to the user's profile for revenue tracking


string|integer $distinct_id

the distinct_id or alias of a user

string $amount

the transaction amount e.g. "20.50"

null $timestamp

the timestamp of when the transaction occurred (default to current timestamp)

string|null $ip

the ip address of the client (used for geo-location)

boolean $ignore_time

If the $ignore_time property is true, Mixpanel will not automatically update the "Last Seen" property of the profile. Otherwise, Mixpanel will add a "Last Seen" property associated with the current time

boolean $ignore_alias

If the $ignore_alias property is true, an alias look up will not be performed after ingestion. Otherwise, a lookup for the distinct ID will be performed, and replaced if a match is found


clearCharges(string|integer  $distinct_id, string|null  $ip = null, boolean  $ignore_time = false, boolean  $ignore_alias = false) 

Clear all transactions stored on a user's profile


string|integer $distinct_id

the distinct_id or alias of a user

string|null $ip

the ip address of the client (used for geo-location)

boolean $ignore_time

If the $ignore_time property is true, Mixpanel will not automatically update the "Last Seen" property of the profile. Otherwise, Mixpanel will add a "Last Seen" property associated with the current time

boolean $ignore_alias

If the $ignore_alias property is true, an alias look up will not be performed after ingestion. Otherwise, a lookup for the distinct ID will be performed, and replaced if a match is found


deleteUser(string|integer  $distinct_id, string|null  $ip = null, boolean  $ignore_time = false, boolean  $ignore_alias = false) 

Delete this profile from Mixpanel


string|integer $distinct_id

the distinct_id or alias of a user

string|null $ip

the ip address of the client (used for geo-location)

boolean $ignore_time

If the $ignore_time property is true, Mixpanel will not automatically update the "Last Seen" property of the profile. Otherwise, Mixpanel will add a "Last Seen" property associated with the current time

boolean $ignore_alias

If the $ignore_alias property is true, an alias look up will not be performed after ingestion. Otherwise, a lookup for the distinct ID will be performed, and replaced if a match is found


_persist(  $message) : mixed

Given an array of messages, persist it with the instantiated Persistence Strategy






_log(  $msg) 

Log a message to PHP's error log




_debug() : boolean

Returns true if in debug mode, false if in production mode




_constructPayload(  $distinct_id,   $operation,   $value, null  $ip = null, boolean  $ignore_time = false, boolean  $ignore_alias = false) : array

Internal method to prepare a message given the message data


null $ip
boolean $ignore_time

If the $ignore_time property is true, Mixpanel will not automatically update the "Last Seen" property of the profile. Otherwise, Mixpanel will add a "Last Seen" property associated with the current time

boolean $ignore_alias

If the $ignore_alias property is true, an alias look up will not be performed after ingestion. Otherwise, a lookup for the distinct ID will be performed, and replaced if a match is found

