remove method Null safety

void remove(
  1. String name,
  2. dynamic value

Remove value from a list-valued property only if it is already present in the list. If the property does not currently exist, the remove will be ignored. If the property exists and is not list-valued, the remove will be ignored.

  • name the Group Analytics list-valued property that should have a value removed
  • value the value that will be removed from the list


void remove(String name, dynamic value) {
  if (_MixpanelHelper.isValidString(name)) {
    _channel.invokeMethod<void>('groupRemovePropertyValue', <String, dynamic>{
      'token': this._token,
      'groupKey': this._groupKey,
      'groupID': this._groupID,
      'name': name,
      'value': value
  } else {
    developer.log('`group remove` failed: name cannot be blank',
        name: 'Mixpanel');